藤本佳那子 (ドレスデン国立歌劇場/プリンシパル)
アレハンドロ・マルティネス・アゾリン (ドレスデン国立歌劇場/ソリスト)
中野吉章 (ピッツバーグバレエシアター/プリンシパル)
東野瑞生 (ポーランド州立オペラノババレエ/ソリスト)
宮田彩未 (元ノーザンバレエ/リーディングソリスト)
伊藤陸久 (バーミンガムロイヤルバレエ団/ソリスト)
石井杏奈 (バルセロナバレエ/プリンシパル・芸術監督補佐・レジデンスコレオグラファー)
森川礼央 (ドイツ州立ハレ国立歌劇場)
大久保沙耶 (元オランダ国立バレエ団/現東京シティバレエ団ソリスト)
佐々木須弥奈 (英国ロイヤルバレエ団/アーティスト)
榊原萌百奈 (チェコ・ブルノ国立歌劇場バレエ団/ソリスト)
小笠原祥真 (チェコ・ブルノ国立歌劇場バレエ団/ソリスト)
At Marty, we hold stage performances on a scale that goes beyond that of a ballet school, and there are many opportunities for school students to perform.
In addition to school recitals and local events, you can gain authentic stage experience through ballet ensemble gala performances where you can perform with professionals, special ballet
gala concert performances, Studio Marty adult joint recitals, etc.
The scale is updated every year, allowing you to perform with top dancers from Japan and abroad.
Unlike recitals created by children alone, they were able to see professional dancers and feel the beauty, strength, and flexibility of ballet firsthand, which made them more interested in
the art culture of ballet, and they became more and more interested in ballet. It also leads to an opportunity to fall in love.
There are also many valuable opportunities to experience ballet directly from professional dancers, hear about the process of becoming a professional dancer, and more because you belong to
Marty Ballet School.
It is very important to expose children to real things from an early age. In this age where we have the ability to absorb things like a sponge, the world that we can see by touching the
real thing is expanding rapidly. We value the buds of a child's potential, make them feel the real thing, and provide opportunities for them to grow even more.
[First-class dancers who have performed together so far]
Ballet Ensemble Gala performance
Kanako Fujimoto (Dresden State Opera/Principal)
Alejandro Martinez Azorin (Dresden State Opera/Soloist)
Yoshiaki Nakano (Pittsburgh Ballet Theater/Principal)
Mizuki Higashino (Polish State Opera Nova Ballet/Soloist)
Ayami Miyata (Former Northern Ballet/Leading Soloist)
Rikuhisa Ito (Birmingham Royal Ballet/Soloist)
Anna Ishii (Barcelona Ballet/Principal/Assistant Artistic Director/Residence Choreographer)
Reo Morikawa (German State Opera Halle)
Saya Okubo (former Dutch National Ballet/current Tokyo City Ballet soloist)
Sumana Sasaki (Royal Ballet/Artist)
Momona Sakakibara (Czech Republic Brno National Opera Ballet Company/Soloist)
Shoma Ogasawara (Czech Republic Brno National Opera Ballet Company/Soloist)
Ballet gala concert special performance
Yuhui Choe (Royal Ballet/First Soloist)
Kosuke Okumura (New National Theater Ballet/Principal)